Saturday, 13 August 2011

Tips on Handing in That Two-Week Notice.

As a recent two-week-notice-hander-inner, I realized it was more than just a simple task. Here are some Ashley-made tips I think can help you out in this bittersweet time.

1.) Why are you quitting?-- You have to admit jobs are very important in our lives so to leave one will be life changing (degree of significance may vary).

2A.) How long have you been working here?-- The longer the employment, the more deserving of a decent/nice two-weeks notice they deserve. It's like a breakup; it's not you, it's me. 
2B.) Take about 10-20 minutes to write up a professional, page long, leaving letter. 

3.) Do you have a back-up job?-- No matter the case, try to leave on a good note just in case you do want to come back.

4.) Hand in a physical and verbal two-week notice. Your manager will appreciate this. 

5.) See the end of the tunnel?-- GTFO! That's a joke, don't let your work deteriorate as your days are numbered. Start strong and end strong!

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